Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (1)

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This guide is meant as a tool to follow your progress while questing in Empyrea as well as a warning for when a cheating boss is coming soon. For this guide, I’m only listing the main quest line quests, aka storyline quests, which means the ones you have to do in order to get to the next area. Side quests are not mentioned.

I list the quests you have to do in a certain area. The areas are listed in the order you should do them in (unless otherwise specified). The area is not always one hundred percent correct, as certain quests can require you to run back and forward between areas to talk to people. To simplify matters, I have not listed this kind of running; the quest will say “talk” but not where the NPC is located. Also, if there is only one quest in an area, I will not mention the area separately. Between brackets are the different parts of the quest, as a quest will often require you to do multiple things.

I have divided the quests in the Spiral into the following groups:

  • Talk: Quests that require an interaction with an NPC.
  • Mob: Quests that require the defeat of regular monsters.
  • Elite: Quests that require the defeat of an elite creature.
  • D&C: Quests that require the collection of something from certain monsters (Defeat and Collect).
  • Boss: Quests that require the defeat of a boss. Elite monsters are not counted as bosses.
  • Minor Cheat: Quests that require defeating a boss that cheats a little (these cheats can generally be ignored).
  • Cheat: Quests that require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay somewhat).
  • Major Cheat: Quests the require the defeat of a cheating boss (these cheats will hinder normal gameplay significantly).
  • Instance: Quests that require the completion of a place behind a sigil with at least 2 battles.
  • Puzzle: Quests that require the solution to a puzzle.
  • Interact: Quests that require interaction with a certain object.
  • Collect: Quests that require interaction with multiple items of a kind.
  • Explore: Quests that just require you to run towards a certain area, NPC or item.
  • Solo: Quests you need to do alone.

Note that some of the quests might be labeled “defeat and collect” in game, but actually appear as mob battles in my guide. This is because many of the D&C quests in Mirage actually give you the item required on the first try. Only fights where I actually had to fight the same mob twice to get the item are labeled as D&C. The rest are labeled as mob fights. Maybe I just got lucky in some cases, so don’t hesitate to correct me in the comments if a mob quest took you multiple fights to complete!

Empyrea Main Quest Line Part 1

World Info

Empyrea part 1 has a total of 80 quests. Among those quests, there are 20 regular mob fights, and 24 elite fights. I don’t really understand why this world is full of elite creatures. Some of these elites could very well be counted as bosses, while others are little more than mobs. There are 8 Defeat and Collect quests. Some of these take quite a while to be completed. I think on one of these quests, I had to engage in 7 battles to get what I needed from it. There is a total of 24 boss fights. Of these bosses, 7 are minor cheaters, and only 1 is a major cheater. There is one elite battle which I counted as “cheat elite”. There are 3 quests you have to do solo: two against a boss and one against a mob.

Empyrea part 1 has 2 excellent puzzles, which I love so much! One is a more intricate and longer version of the pet dance game and the other requires you to play shock-a-lock. These were so fun to do!

Empyrea part 1 is quite short, I would say. Maybe the same length as Polaris? Hard to say, as I haven’t quested in Polaris in a really long time. In any case, I finished part 1 in three days. For me, it was long enough to get really into questing, but not long enough to make me bored.


1. Baba Boohooie (talk + talk + explore + talk + talk)
2. Sparck’s Ark (explore + talk + explore 4x + talk)

Polaris, Walruskberg

3. Captain No Captain (explore + boss + talk)

Azteca, Zocalo

4. Swine of the Ancient Mariner (explore + talk + explore + mob + interact + talk)


5. Unstuck Pig (explore + talk)
6. Shadow Tricks (talk + explore + solo minor cheat + talk)
7. Almost Time to Go (talk)
8. Go Time (explore + interact + talk)

Aeriel Shores/Jungle

9. To Boldly Crash… (talk + talk + explore + explore + talk)
10. Spell-Castaway(talk 4x)
11. Crusher? We Barely Know Her! (explore + boss + talk)
12. May the Beastman Win (explore + talk + mob + collect + talk)
13. The Raiders Raided (D&C + (instance: explore + elite + elite + boss + talk + interact) + talk)
14. Beasty Mountain High (talk + explore + explore + mob + mob + interact + mob + interact + (instance: elite + elite + boss) + interact + (instance: elite + elite + cheat) + explore + talk)
15. Khan Found it! (talk + explore + talk)
16. Whaeriel? (explore + talk)
17. Eyes Are the Prize (D&C + talk)
18. Web Head (D&C + talk + interact + talk)
19. Incantation Investigation (explore + solo boss + interact + talk)
20. Khan Games (explore + talk)
21. The Path of Khan (instance: mob + mob + cheat)
20. Khan Games (explore + talk)
22. From A to Z (talk + interact + interact + talk + interact + talk)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2)

Zanadu + Zanadu Sewers

23. Zanadus and Don’ts (explore + talk + mob + talk + talk)
24. Out of His Comfort Zone (explore + boss + explore + interact + talk + talk)
25. Welcome to the Leisure Dome (explore)
26. A Little Khan and Dance (puzzle)
25. Welcome to the Leisure Dome (talk + talk)
26. King Khan (talk + talk)
27. Ruumbaya (explore + mob + talk + explore + solo mob + interact + talk)
28. Waiting in the Sky (explore)
29. It Really is a Silly name (instance: elite + elite + cheat)
28. Waiting in the Sky (talk)
30. A Hazy Cosmic Jive (interact + talk + explore + elite + interact + explore + mob + talk + explore + talk)
31. Negative Reinforcement (talk + explore)
32. Sparck in Charge (instance: explore + boss + elite + interact)
31. Negative Reinforcement (explore + interact + talk)
33. Rebel Rebel (talk + collect + D&C + interact + talk)
34. The Return of the King (explore)
35. Such a Krok (instance: elite + elite + minor cheat + talk)
34. The Return of the King (talk)
36. To the Bat’s Cave! (explore + D&C + interact + D&C)
37. Meeting of the Minds (instance: elite + interact + elite + elite + minor cheat)
36. To the Bat’s Cave! (talk)
38. A Chain of Ice and Fire (explore + interact + talk)

Outer Athanor

39. Avalanche! (mob + talk)
40. Dread Shed (explore)
41. Steam Wrath (instance: interact + boss + interact 4x + mob + interact + explore)
40. Dread Shed (talk)
42. Real Politics (talk + explore)
43. Afraid of the Dark (talk + elite)
42. Real Politics (talk + talk)
44. Lava Trouble (talk)
45. A Hot Mess (instance: mob + interact + boss + talk)
46. Tunnel Visions (talk + talk + explore + talk)
47. Snowballistic! (mob + talk)
48. Cold Storage (instance: talk + elite + boss + interact + explore + talk)
49. Ice, Meet Fire (explore).
50. Tunnel of Terror (instance: mob + interact + minor cheat + interact + mob)
49. Ice, Meet Fire (talk)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (3)

Inner Athanor

51. Simmering Tensions (interact + mob +talk)
52. Inside Voices (talk + talk)
53. Too Hot to Handle (elite + talk)
54. Peace Pipe (explore + explore + puzzle + talk)
55. Lava at First Sight (explore)
56. Cistern, Turn, Turn (boss + interact)
55. Lava at First Sight (talk)
57. Getting Warmer (talk)

Outer Athanor

58. Cold War (interact + talk)
59. Bunker Busters (explore + mob + talk + talk)
60. Re-Councilliation (explore + talk + explore + talk)

Inner Athanor

61. Insulation Insurrection (explore)
62. Great Scott, Bat Bots (elite + interact + interact)
61. Insulation Insurrection (talk)
63. Full Steam Ahead (talk)
64. Athano-More (explore)
65. Bat-tlefield (explore + interact + cheat elite)
64. Athano-More (talk + interact + talk + explore + talk + explore)
66. The Deadliest Catch (talk + talk + collect + D&C + interact + talk)
67. Eat or Be Eaten (interact + talk)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (4)


68. Gut Bomb (explore + collect + collect + interact + collect + talk + interact + talk)
69. Belly Aching (D&C + collect + talk)
70. He’s Good for the Heart (explore)
71. Qhatastrophe (instance: elite + elite + minor cheat)
70. He’s Good for the Heart (interact + explore)
72. The Eyes Have it (explore)
73. Oaky-Doke (instance: elite + elite + minor cheat)
72. The Eyes Have it (talk + talk)
74. Disappearing Ink (talk)
75. The Other Side of the Coin (instance: elite + minor cheat)
74. Disappearing Ink (talk + interact + explore + talk)
76. Eye-Eye, Captain (explore)
77. Right in the Eye (instance: talk + elite + elite + minor cheat)
76. Eye-Eye, Captain (interact + talk)
78. Brain Drain (explore)
79. Massive Headache (instance: elite + Challenge Boss)
78. Brain Drain (talk + interact + interact + interact + talk)
80. Only Mostly Dead (talk + explore + interact + talk + interact + talk)

Empyrea Main Quest Line Part 2

I have some mistakes in part 2 because I wasn’t always fully paying attention! Feel free to comment if you find inaccuracies, there are bound to be quite a lot. Thanks for contributing to this guide! Happy questing everyone!

The Arcanum / Ravenwood

1. Of Note (explore + talk + talk + explore + talk)
2. With all the Dying Trees I Scream (talk 7x + talk)
3. Finally Growing Into It (explore + (solo: explore + mob + interact + talk + explore + mob + interact + mob + boss + interact) + talk)
4. Make Like a Tree and Go (talk)

Aeriel Shore & Jungle

5. Empyre-B (explore + talk)
6. Communications Officer (talk + D&C+ talk)
7. Go Full Circle (explore + interact + talk)
8. Into the Jungle (instance: mob 3x) + talk)


9. To Samsara (interact + talk)
10. Wheel in the Sky (talk 3x)
11. Purify Me (interact 3x + talk)
12. Further to Fly (talk + interact + talk)

Mandalla / Samsara Village

13. The Quest Bears Fruit (instance: mob + mob + boss + interact) + talk
14. Fungus Humungous (explore)
15. The Spore the Merrier (instance: mob + mob + minor cheat)
14. Fungus Humungous (talk + talk)
16. Pretty Darn Quickening (explore + talk + interact + talk)

Nexus (Reverie)

17. Into the Great Beyond (instance: explore + explore + major cheat +talk) (guide)
18. Dream Deeper (explore)
19. Dreams and Nightmares (instance: explore + explore + D&C + cheat + puzzle + cheat + talk + explore) (guide)
18. Dream Deeper (talk)
20. ‘Till Wizard Voices Wake Us (explore + talk)
21. Zana-Redo (talk)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (5)


22. Pretty Standard Procedure (talk 4x + D&C + D&C + D&C + talk)
23. This Little Light Net of Mine… (talk + explore)
24. At the End of His Hope (instance: elite + major cheat + elite + explore) (guide)
23. This Little Light Net of Mine… (talk + talk)
25. The Voyage Home (explore + interact + talk)

Nimbus Citadel

26. Sparck Seconds that Emotion (explore + explore + talk + talk + explore)
27. A Light Fight (instance: mob + elite + minor cheat)
26. Sparck Seconds that Emotion (talk + talk)
28. Raven is the Word (explore + explore + explore)
29. The Ultimate Price of Peace (instance: explore + mob + elite + minor cheat)
28. Raven is the Word (talk)
30. More Like Scare-o Plains (talk)
31. Welcome to the Grand Contusion (elite)
30. More Like Scare-o Plains (explore + talk)

Port Aero / Southwest Aeroplains / Velo City / Northeast Plains

32. Stream On (talk + talk + D&C + talk + interact + talk)
33. Dude Looks Like a Lion (explore + cheat + talk) (guide)
34. Take Me Down to Velo City (explore + mob + talk + talk)
35. Newts Hate Frogs (explore)
36. Lord Humongish (instance: mob + minor cheat)
35. Newts Hate Frogs (talk)
37. A for Real Snipe Hunt (talk + D&C + talk)
38. When the Whirlyburly’s Done (talk + talk + mob + talk + Whirlyburly + talk 3x + interact + talk)
39. Where the Blue-FFalo Roam… (mob + explore)
40. … and the Skies are Dark Cloudy All Day (instance: mob + talk + elite + cheat)
39. Where the Blue-FFalo Roam… (talk)
41. The Truth Hurts (explore + explore + elite cheat + talk)
42. Ain’t No Citadel High Enough (explore + explore + mob + elite + elite + talk + explore + interact)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (6)

Nimbus Citadel

43. The Search for Sparck (explore)
44. Fair-Weather Friends (instance: mob + elite + boss)
43. The Search for Sparck (talk)
45. Vanitus Veritas (explore)
46. The Only Thing to Fear… (instance: mob + mob + cheat)
45. Vanitus Veritas (talk)
47. The Celestial Loophole (explore)
48. A Less than Admirable Admiral (minor cheat)
47. The Celestial Loophole (interact + talk)
49. We got a Mandalla Down! (talk)

Samsara Village

50. The Shattered Wheel (interact + talk)
51. Swarming Skies (mob + talk)
52. Maizes and Monsters (mob + talk)
53. The Shadow of Death (explore + elite+ talk + talk)
54. Save Our Scrolls (D&C + collect + talk + talk)
55. A Cry for Help (talk + talk + interact + talk)

Chaos Jungle

56. Search and Rescue (collect + talk + explore + mob + interact + talk + talk)
57. Jungle Chaos! (explore + mob + explore)
58. Fallout (instance: elite + interact + talk + mob + talk + explore)
57. Jungle Chaos! (talk)
59. Signal to Noise (explore + explore)
60. Rescue Mission (instance: mob + mob)
59. Signal to Noise (explore + talk + talk)
61. Rebuilding the Bat (explore + interact + talk + cheat + talk)
62. Gathering Shadows (D&C+ talk + talk)
63. Extra Life (explore + D&C+ interact + explore + explore + talk + explore + interact + talk)

Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (7)


64. Timber Timbre (explore)
65. Astral Project Your Voice! (instance: mob + elite + minor cheat)
64. Timber Timbre (explore + interact + talk)
66. Battling the Elementals (explore)
67. In the Elemental Groove (instance: elite + elite + boss)
66. Battling the Elementals (interact + talk)
68. Spirit of the Grove (explore)
69. Smells Like Tree Spirit (instance: explore + double cheat)
68. Spirit of the Grove (explore + interact + talk)
70. Braving the Storm (Challenge Boss)

Finished the Empyrea main quest line? Take a look below at what comes next!

All Wizard101 Main Quest Line Guides

Wizard City




















Happy Questing!

  • Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (28)
  • Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (29)
  • Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (30)
  • Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (31)
  • Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (32)

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Wizard101 Empyrea Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.