Pae 2 THE VANCOUVER SUN TELEPHONE TRINITY 4111 FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1933 TECHNOCRACY'S AMAZING FIGURES 7 3 9 20th ANNUAL JANUARY i'm't'r VVe Score Again! WP mis lime witn a FOUR ENGINES CAN EQUAL ALL U.S. MAN-POWER; NO LIMIT TO WHAT CAN BE PRODUCED f-- -v. Xtl -IIIIIIIIBI IHIII Rousing Sale of tEGINS SATURDAY Winter fchers most make room for spring styles and here ar. ba rgains to nuke them go! Technocracy! Reprints cf first arti- cl armparino: in The 'airs -f eag is ta 11 EG. VALUES TO at I IT a3TM XBr -ppr -Jfj Here is a big selection of pretty winter styles that have lingered too ior.g.
Ees art broker), but we have fittings I a Vancouver Sun may be obtained, without cost, from any newsdealer or at the office of The Van- courer Sun, 125 Pender West. from AAA to )fl realty patterns. Oa sale at see ii in. ii i i.iiimsmii MNii.eMsi ployment dwindles the power ta consume the products of the machine decreases. The article emphasizes that there is practically no limit to the possible Arch-Support Special A special purchase of 6P0 pairs of well-known "Arch-Relief shoes for women.
There ore ten styles, in line kidifcm ar.d calfskin, in fitting A to EE. Value is at least 5.50. January Sale Price $3.87 distribution of gooes for human comfort, if the method of distribution is perfected. It says; BACK TO OBIGINAL SOURCES NEW YORK, Jan. 6.
The whole cress of the United States, and a large bulk of its periodicals, appear to be discussing "Technocracy," the rule by skill or science, which began with the study of a group of engineers delving into the social-economic changes wrought by machine production. Liberty, New Outlook, Business Week, Saturday Evening Post, Vanity Fair. Cosmopolitan, Editor and Publisher, and even the conservative Harper's Magasin have taken It up and given it a more or less prominent place. In Its current issue, in an editorial, Liberty says: "The price system with Its definite brand of capitalism, which Mr. Wayne W.
Parrish condemns, doubtless wlQ always be with us, but some day we may learn that a greatly exaggerated value has been placed en accumulated wealth. The price system cannot be improved upon, provided ft Is free from favoritism, provided the law of supply and demand 18 allowed to operate unrestricted. Our trouble comes from those who operate it," We face some tremendous problems. Technocracy will be helpful. But to say it will solve all our problems Is unadulterated nonsense." HOW ENERGY JUMPED Harpers article, one of the most complete an1, clearest yet published, quoted some amazing figures on the enormous increase of energy output on this continent through the use of the machine.
For instance, measured In energy, the 36.000.000 adult workers in the United States, shorn of machines, could by their own muscular effort produce 9,600,000 horsepower in an 8-hour day. The largest modern turbine has a capacity of 300,000 horsepower per 8-hour day, and only four of them, running tirelessly, for 24 hours, would equal the entire energy of all the adult workers of the United States. At the present time the United States has an installed capacity of one billion horsepower In engines for doing work. The conclusion is that the Importance of man ast a worker ia dwindling rapidly, and that as em- "Our whole existence is and always 8t has been a struggle for energy. The ft te 7 savage generated some energy In his litis Boys' and Girls' OXFORDS "Siet'lite." solid leather, smartly finished, at own body, got some from his animals and his campf ires, but ever aince that WW day man has been fighting his way back to the original sources of energy, "He found in coal the energy laid 'Stccl*te' Soots These are the strong.
good-looking school hoots that thousands of Vancouver boys wear. Straps and Ties, Solid leather, strong soles, yet smartly styled for good weatht-r school-going. "Steelite" make. Specially priced at VIS L- $1.95 2 Pairs for $1.10 down agea earlier in the carboniferous period, he found another source of energy in waterpower, he found a sea Specially priced If-- XT of oil prepared by nature long before the day of his Neanderthal ancestors. "Lately he has be.n prying at one of the last and most mysterious sources atomic energy; but to his great good fortune that secret has not $1.95 $1.95 BARGAINS FOR DO re" Mi yet been put Into his clumsy bungling Come early! We expect a big crowd! Quick action secured us this splendid purchase ef exquisite sheer chiffons.
Every pair FULL-FASHIONED, of course, and in the new darker shades for street or the lighter shades for evening. Our Famous guarantee goe with every pair. All sizes included. hands. "Yet so great a store of energy has he already made available that, given the raw material, there is practically ne comfort or luxury of life he cannot make for himself.
VU tBi i Ta high-grade shoes that Woods can stand behind! "Food, it Js true, Is still produced in the way that nature originally de vised, but indefatigable mankind has discovered scores of ways to assist the S8b95 Sale Starts Saturday Black and brown ox 111 W. 9 a.m. fords la Imported in all sires and in smartest styles. Never such fine shoes at such, a low orioa this. STARK DRAMA OF THE PRAIRIES SLIPPERS All children's style in leather and felt.
Values to i MEN'S AH famous "Churchill" shoes tow reduced qjj MEN'S New styles hi winter weight black QO (TL oxfords, for VmivU 12.00. Sizes 11 to 2, for 69c "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" BARTER REPLACES MONEY ECONOMY FOR FINE FOOTWEAR 305 Wk Hastings At Hamilton 623 have not yet felt grinding depression. TINGS STPffT.Wr ,1 Th high price of wheat and the emotions incident to that period produced present conditions. ttkfL. 3111 The masses of rural people did not profit by those prosperous years to appraise those result by present comparison.
And if three-dollar CITY RETAINS G. E. McCROSSAN wheat preceded their present plight, what does high price in the future signify? ANOMALY OF PROSPERITY Corporation Counsel George E. Mc The needs of most of these wheat 1 Money has vanished from many parts of Western Canada; barter take its place; 2 Food not scarce in most farm homes; they are living en their own production; Pitiless privation, fortunately rare, obtains In soijte remote sections; 4 Debt reductions doB't interest farmers whose equity ha vanished; 5 High wheat price of SI. 50 and S3, and emotions incident to that period, produced present conditions; Sixty-two per cent of prairie farms not mortgaged; 7 Thirty cent wheat doesn't reduce acreage; 8 Hope for the future in reduced production costs.
That at a glance la the drama underlying the following story. It is an inside gUmpse into the prairie home today. This is the first of a series. Another will follow. Editor.
Crossan. K.C., was re-engaged Thursday by the City Council to act for the growers are so immediately pressing City of Vancouver in a number or that they je not trying to analyze this angle: What did high prices do court casts scheduled for hearing in the near future. A special committee comprising to Aldermen R. N. Fraser, A.
C. Cowan and George C. Miller was appointed at the same time to interview Mr. McCrossan In connection with his The committee was instructed to obtain terms from the Corporation for the farmer? Perhape they- paid off seme accumulated obligation, becaase the records show that per cent ef the prairie farms are not mortgaged today. Implement dealers agree that they have eutatanding less account than two years ago and their cash ales are increasing proportionately.
The impact of these stories of stark poverty may be lessened by these fact. Then. too. thOUIh fM tn mrrl-nl. EMU Vines are good for They are well matured wines whose quality will be a revelation to you; made under hygienic conditions at our owo winery at Morphea Vale, South And, thanks to a preferential tariff, they cannot be equalled by foreign wines except at a much higher price; EMU Vines are good for the Empire because they further development of trade, wichin-tie-Empire; For your own good and for the good of the Empire ask for EMU Port; Counsel under which he would be prepared to act for the year.
There was a possibility that other counsel might be invited to submit cost figures. VWMtHl TO Mr. McCrossan retired from the By G. C. PORTER WINNIPEG.
Jan. 8. A tremendous asael ISA EC efry legal department at the end of 93 1 and was retained as consultant drama is being unfolded on the prairies today with the agrarian population at grips with economic prob lems that threaten actual survival. and barrister for 1932 for $5000. According to City Solicitor J.
B. Williams, it would have cost the city twice a much last yer to engage outside counsel from time to time, as This is the pattern that thirty-cent tural college have been doubled the attendance shows no appreciable decrease, and those scholars who report their Inability to pay and they are not refused admission for that reason have not Increased. wheat has woven into the tough fabric of these plains people. need for assistance arose. The baffling angles of the tragic T7 T77S circ*mstances involving the prairies become more complicated when it is SASK.
HARDEST HIT In an i. wit- ceded that, of the three province she recalled that most of these family units have been subjected at on time or another to the shock of hard, grind oa Deen laraest hit by agrarian depression, of the ten thousand student in Normal anri tries ing depression. LAND OF THE FIT scrtbe to the pay-by-mail course, only IX there Is anything in the law of uyo per cent uus jail are in default. iuew two siae or the prairie agricultural Dictum mmw I i the "survival of the fittest" Heaven knowa the farmers of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta are fit. COUNCIL LIKES SECRECY The City Council refused, Thursday, to make a New Year resolution to hold no more secret meetings.
Immediately after Council ratified In public the appointment of a new Board of Police Commissioners drafted In camera, Aid. D. McDonald moved that no more meetings of Council or committees be held in secret except on the majority vote of the members present and the advice of the City Solicitor. When Mayor L. D.
Taylor called for a seconder to come forward, not another alderman would add his voice to the proposal Consequently, the motion was not even put to the meeting. bb- ttvw UUiJUUib the problems present, but there they CT3r mIy Jigs' Australian j3 Wfev 1,00 Jw Ml Qkhwhu0 wM YvLruf ti? (rub tawny) It lfljx fVj, Imprtci BtrtU jj (JLLi0 EMU VIXrVARDS. But how can they live? How ARE they living? What do they hope for, and, above and beyond all other problem, what of the future? In many sections all transactions And ytt, precisely 25,500,000 acres were sown to wheat in the prairie provinces lift year! This acreage wa in the face of the enormous world earry-ever and the very considerable Canadian surplus brought forward. If the monev ran 1m, A A. are reckoned in barter and trade, primitive commerce, A load of oats next spring there are few students of is exchanged for a pig, potatoes, or something the other fellow owns and wants to part with for its equivalent in something he needs.
economic wno are bold enoueh to nredict ww.uv.awic reduction. Thirty-cent wheat seems no du- courar -t to -eage and world surplus means nothing to the average wheat growei. In the reduced co*kt Of nrnrfnr-tlnn mere is a gieam oi nope for future. the the This ha been accomplished bv fnrcftft nf Jthfwr nwpttirw K. Obtainable at Vendors or Direct from Liquor Control Mail Order Department, 847 Beatty St, Vancouver, B.
C. Stop a COLD the First Day! This Four-Way Remedy Doe's It. Play safel Take a COLD remedy for a cold! Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine stops a cold quickly because it does the four things necessary, Open the bowels, kills the cold germs and fever in the system, relieves the headache and tones the entire system. Oet rt today and be ready for any cold that may come along. Be sure to ask for Grove's Laxative BROMO QUININE.
Now two ai2 30c and 50c at all druggists. adv. and not by concerted planning; small wages for help, if any; fixing up and utill2ing old machinery, and economy so rigid that the average Canadian In a Fairchild Cabin Seaplane, operated by Wells Air Transport Ltd. This sdvertitement is not piihlisbed or display by the Liquor Control Board larmer resents these hardtlme stands which, at that, are jninerinr in thnc or by toe Government of British Columbia. enjoyed by pioneers on these prairies.
But they never knew three-dollar But as to money, actual coin of the realm, there are Urge sections of the rural prairies where It has ceased to be a circulating medium. However, it is the exception to find families on the farm without food. In the large majority of farm families, those frequently, where there nas been no cash in sight for a year, food of their own production is. not scarce. PRIVATION BARE In actual destitution, as a c'ty man, broke and out of a Job, understands the term, the farmer is in a superior position.
The exceptidn is tare, but there are exceptions where families li; remote sections are reduced to estihi rabbits and oatmeal of their own grinding, with their families exposed to the most pitiless privations. Some of these most helpless case are among men who harvested thousand or so bushels ef wheat this fall, and found themselves at the end of the season with exactly nothing for their Having devoted his energies and resources to wheat, he failed to oiant a zarden. His mums were so pitifully small, with No. I even at 50 cents ob. Liverpool, and rivt Mm oaslia i wheat AND THE LURE OP EASY MONEY I SPINAL COLUMN FOR THE WORLD and Free Tfieatre Tickets Watch for "The British Empire girdles the 11 2 5 0 0 II R00MS i HEALTH MEANS CHARM AND HAPPINESS world for good and not for ill It is a 7 of his crop grading two and three, that Sparkling eyes and smiling lips speak of health and vitality.
Clear skin attracts. The healthy active girl is both happy and popular. Perhaps yoe are eo really 111 vet when the i AEG AIM CUMTEE I "S-1 CHICAGO i "built ereund lh II I 7 Merrlse-a." Ewrylhinf worlkwhile ater. vl tTyf't Ut'uS I by roilrood i by ilationfc Allroctire room all -v'S'l eutiid. wilh both, Servidof, tirtvlating jij tr end bd hd rwdinj lump, I Auleinolie eerege foiliria, Special Keee -'Ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 i for leditt.
A gnat hoHl In jrtol tiiy. 'vC" V' 7 IEOHAK0 HICKS. MilntOircf moral preservative or spinal column for the world," said Rev. F. H.
Wilkinson in an address on the British Empire at Thursday's Kiwanis Club luncheon in the Hotel Vancouver. IU unrivalled democracy, its adaptability, and It love of' freedom, justice, and humanltariarusm help to Ughtea the burdens ef life, he said. High tribute wa paid to the personal influence of King George whose phrase in his Christmas radio broadcast, "I am speaking from my herth and my home." was held to cpliomlw the inexplicable i-plrU mo'-es the Fmpirc wiial it K-T, interest vi? by ihc members in the finance report presented by Treasurer Arthur Shaw, who was able to announce amid applause, that th Kiwanls Club had balanced It heavy budget during 1933 end had eurplua to tarry jritb, he could scarcely pay the cost of taking it off the land. And what is the answer! Debt reductions don't intemt those in this crushing stage of poverty. They have long since lost their equitlea, though they continue to live en th farm.
Thre is no particular advantage in holders of mertpsve Irrlr.e to do anvthtrg nbout default In tr.a' clsvt. In tbrir cotirr' 'n't dew lion th- airs-inn rlnu'it re Win of the prvlhlr advanre In wheat prim, and wme even dream of one and two-dollar revels. And at this very stage enters a problem that 1 confounding even the tarn experts, statistician who EVERY WEEK in THE -SUNDAY SUN Entertaining "Profitable day'a work is done yon are too tired to enter loto the good dmes tost other women enfoy.For extra energy, try Lydia F. Pinkbarn's Vegetsnle ompounrl. It tone up your general health.
Gives you more pep more charm. Remember thit 9 out of 100 women report benefit. Let It belt yea toot 'L.