How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (2024)

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (1)

How to Start Freelancing Work

Are you ready to start your own business and become a freelancer online?

If so, you’re in the right place because I’m going to show you exactly how to start freelancing work, what type of jobs you can do as a freelancer and how much you can earn!

Freelancing has given me the ability and flexibility to become a stay at home mom and work around my schedule carved out around my kids.

Quitting my job was one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve quadrupled my income with my blog which I would have never done had I stayed at my corporate job. Sometimes it just takes putting yourself out there and doing it scared!

I don’t want to make it sound easy because it’s not, but with hard work and determination you can do anything.

If you’ve ever had an interest in blogging you can see how I make money blogging here.

Blogging is not for everyone and that’s why I’m so happy to introduce you to Micala Quinn, the Freelance Queen.

Her story is very similar to mine.

I met Micala in a mom’s Facebook group and I would often hear other moms talk about how she has helped them grow a profitable freelance business.

She is always so helpful and when she came out with the course Overwhelmed to Overbooked, I had to share it with everyone, especially seeing comments like these from people who have taken her course.

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (2) How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (3)

So, if you want to become a freelancer online, I would definitely say consider her course. She shows you how to legally start a freelance business from scratch.

This course is really for the people who want to get started in freelance with no experience and guess what you also get when you take her course? ACTUAL JOB LEADS!

So you’re not just taught the skills on how to become a freelancer online you leave there with actual job opportunities to start making money. If you don’t find anything from the opportunities on her list her community is so great that many times they share opportunities they can’t take on because of too many clients and share them in her private group.

She created thisfree workshop to determine if this course is right for you, check it out.

How awesome would that be for you to have too many clients and can’t take on any more work! What a Blessing.

And remember, this is all on you. You take on as many or as little clients as you want. I know when I personally started doing freelance it was only feasible for me to take on one client with a small baby at home but it depends on the client and how much they expect from you.

To get you a little bit more acquainted with Micala and how to become a freelancer online check out my short interview with the Freelance Queen.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

How to Become a Freelancer Online

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (4)

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started as a Freelancer?

My name is Micala. I am a wife to Colin… who is the most handsomely frustrating husband on the planet. I am a mom to three beautiful children, two of which I am very grateful to have in my arms and one who is watching over our family from Heaven.

I haven’t always been an influencer in the online space… before this I was a freelancer and before that I was a teacher working 50-60 hours a week & making pennies. Oh, yea & I was absolutely miserable dropping my baby off at daycare every day.

With my first, McLaren our life looked like this.. I woke her up early every single morning & RUSHED out the door to drop her off at daycare- barely making it to work on time & without getting in trouble. THEN, I RUSHED right back out of school the second my contract time was up just to rush home, sneak in a little family time before we RUSHED through dinner because I had to get my daughter to sleep soon, and then we RUSHED through our bedtime routine because I had MORE work to do for my 9-5 teaching job that barely covered my daycare expenses.

Notice anything? So.much.rushing.

The incessant rushing caused me a lot of stress, anxiousness, and anger…which quickly turned into resentment.

I resented my job, myself, and my husband. I felt stuck. I felt trapped and like there were NO options for me to find a stable, reliable way to make income from home.

I needed to work. I needed an income.

But, I wanted something different. Something where I could snuggle and read books in bed extra-long in the mornings, explore our city and do the mommy and me classes, and spend our afternoons playing at the park. I wanted it all.

Everyone told me what I wanted didn’t exist and to just suck it up.

But I refused to settle.

I refused to believe that this was just the way it was going to be.

And I refused to just suck it up.

And that’s how I found freelancing.

I started a virtual assistant business. As a virtual assistant, I quickly tripled my take-home pay, working 15 hours a week. Compared to the 55+ hours I worked as a teacher and the pennies I made, freelancing was a no brainer.

Once I quit my job, I kept getting asked by other women, mostly moms, how they could do what I did, so I started helping them. One by one, until there were over fifty women asking me to help them at once. I saw a huge hole and a huge need in the market, so I set out to launch a company that would help women build profitable and flexible businesses from home.

Since 2017, I have helped tens of thousands of women through my free resources and top 50 podcast find work at home freedom and helped over 1000 through my paid programs actually build their dream work life balanced career.

What is a Freelancer?

If freelancing is a new term to you or you aren’t quite sure what it means, no worries, I didn’t either when I got started!

WHAT → A freelancer is an independent contractor (small business owner — you are not an employee) that works with multiple companies and clients on a long-term or project basis.

Some freelancers charge a flat fee per project, others charge hourly. It’s your choice and your decision!

Your specialized skill set may be social media, design, tech, Pinterest, copywriting, bookkeeping or just saving them time and operating as a virtual assistant.

I can also help you figure out what service you should offer.

Why Freelance?

  • As a freelancer YOU will have control over when you work, how much you work, where you work, and how much you charge… lots of moms and millennials are choosing to freelance because they are sick of the lack of flexibility that traditional jobs require.

How Do You Become a Freelancer Online?

There are five things you’ll want to do to get started freelancing online

  1. Find out what service you want to offer
  2. Identify who you want to work with
  3. Determine how to price and package your services
  4. Create a strategy to connect with ideal clients
  5. Relentlessly implement

In my free workshop, I cover the nitty gritty of what freelancing is, who can get started, how much they can earn, why businesses hire freelancers, how to leverage your current skills into a profitable freelance service, and then how to find the time to build your business as a busy mom.

To take the free workshop you can sign up here.

How Much Can Freelancers Earn?

You would be shocked how many times I hear from people, I want to quit my job, but I bring in X amount of dollars per month… can I really replace my income from home as a freelancer?

Yes. Yes, you can — no matter how little or how much you make.

Industry average across all services is

  • $20-35 per hour for beginner
  • $35-50 for experienced
  • $50-100+ for expert

With some services for experts + results backed earning upwards of $200+ an hour…

Can you tell us about your course? Who Is It For? How Does It Work?

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (5)

Overwhelmed to Overbooked is more than just a course! It is the most comprehensive program for starting, launching, and growing a profitable freelance business.

Plus, it’s proven!

Over 1,000+ women have enrolled and built their successful business with my help!

The program includes my proprietary 7-step framework for launching a freelance business. I cover everything from business legal and tax basics, to pricing your services, to landing clients, to getting started and wowing your clients!

Plus, it includes my two secret weapons for freelance success

The OTO Student Lounge

Once you sign up, you will also get private access to the most AMAZING Facebook group for work at home moms on the internet. This group is only available to those who purchase OTO.

Think of this space as your work “break-room” minus the toxicity and negativity that come with traditional jobs. This group will be one of your secret weapons to success. You will be able to post your questions, share your progress, & reach out for help to work through your challenges with over 600+ active members. We are your future work family and no member is left behind! We can’t wait to get to know you!

Weekly Office Hours

A big perk of the OTO program is 6 months access to weekly office hours where you can drop in as needed to get 1:1 help and breakthrough where you’re stuck with me.

A little bit more about these calls:

  • they are every Wednesday at noon CST
  • they are virtual and informal come as you are! joining from work or the car or with kiddos — whatever you need to do to be there is encouraged — plus you can stay as long or as short as your schedule allows
  • calls are recorded so you can watch the replay

I know you are going to get stuck and have challenges (everyone does), but with the FB group and these weekly calls you have daily and weekly options to get the support you need to crush your goals and get home to your babies!

This support is what we call the Micala Quinn and the OTO difference.

Awesome! I’m definitely not the one to pay for something if I can get the information for free but what Micala is offering you really can’t find anywhere.

I mean having the scripts alone on how to approach clients and know what to say to get their business is worth it! Would you know what to say? Would you know where to find them?

Before you even consider taking the course,’ I highly recommend taking this free workshop to see if this is right for you. Always do your research before making any kind of purchase.

I’ve heard good things about Gina Horkey’s 30 days to Virtual Assistant Success course but my friend who took both Gina AND Micala’s course said that although Gina’s course got her started on the right track, Micala’s course was much more comprehensive and the community is unbelievable.

I didn’t want to mention freelancing websites like Upwork to find work in this article because they take a percentage of all your earnings and why not keep all the money you worked for if you can?

The best part about freelancing is the earning potential. There is no salary cap. Did you see how Micala was earning more money working only 15 hours per week compared to her 50+hour teaching job.

It’s the flexibility and earning potential that makes freelancing so attractive, is that what you want? Are you ready?

I hope this article helped you figure out how to become a freelancer online.

If you liked this article be sure to subscribe to our mailing list so you can stay updated on all the ways you can make money from home, save and invest! Click here to subscribe.

Have you found freelance work online? If so, let us know in the comment section.

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (6)

How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid!

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How to Become a Freelancer Online As a Beginner & Get Paid in 2024 (2024)


How do I start freelancing for beginners? ›

First, you'll need to define your business goals and find and stick to a perspective niche within your industry. Then, you'll need to identify target clients and define the prices for your freelance services. It's also important that you create an appealing website, and highlight a list of your best work there.

How can I make money freelancing with no experience? ›

7 Tips for Landing Your First Client as a Freelancer with No Experience
  1. Prioritize Experience over a Paycheck. ...
  2. Consider Your Existing Skills. ...
  3. Create a Website. ...
  4. Lean on Your Network. ...
  5. Meet with a Fellow Freelancer. ...
  6. Know Where to Search. ...
  7. Understand Your Chosen Industry.

How do freelancers get their first job? ›

My top tip for freelance job seekers

I recommend starting by sending at least a dozen proposals daily. Starting with a high volume like this increases the chance you'll hit the right match and get hired for your first freelance job. And when you do get that first job, don't stop applying.

How can I become a freelancer and get paid? ›

7 Tips to Make Sure You Actually Get Paid for Your Freelance Work
  1. Use Contracts. ...
  2. Require a Deposit. ...
  3. Use Invoices. ...
  4. Be Upfront About Costs. ...
  5. Always Communicate Changes. ...
  6. Consider Pausing Work If You Don't Get Paid. ...
  7. Don't Continue Working With Clients Who Don't Pay.

Which skill is best for freelancing? ›

The most in demand freelance skills include SEO, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, Graphic Design, Copywriting, Video Editing, Photography, Business Consulting, Project Management, and Event Planning. All these skills have immense potential to help freelancers stay on top of the competition in 2023.

What freelance work can anyone do? ›

Tasks can include managing email, making phone calls, data entry, bookkeeping, research, social media, content creation, making travel arrangements, or setting appointments. Virtual assistant gigs are a great way to break into the freelancing life.

Is freelancing tough for beginners? ›

So, it can be challenging to manage finances without a consistent paycheck. Self-discipline: If you are planning to start your career as a freelancer, then you must need to be self-motivated and disciplined to manage your workload, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Is it hard to make money freelancing? ›

Making money as a freelancer is very possible, but it can be difficult to succeed without first finding your niche. Having a speciality will help you better serve clients, stand out from other freelancers, and increase your profits.

How do I find my first client as a freelancer? ›

7 Ways to Find New Clients as a Freelancer
  1. Cold emails.
  2. Freelance marketplaces.
  3. An online presence.
  4. Freelance societies.
  5. Your existing network.
  6. Professional development.
  7. Volunteer opportunities.
Aug 14, 2023

How did you get your first client as a freelancer? ›

By identifying your niche, building your professional network, joining a talent network, crafting an effective portfolio and resume, promoting yourself as a freelancer, and negotiating rates and contracts with clients you can set yourself up for success in this competitive field.

How long does it take to get your first freelance job? ›

It can take a while to get your first gig: Don't feel discouraged if you don't land a freelance gig immediately. In general, it takes anywhere from three months to a year to build connections and acquire a steady roster of clients. But once you reach that point, you'll see your career as a freelancer take off.

How to make money from home? ›

How to Make Money from Home: 23 Proven Ways
  1. Rent out rooms in your home. ...
  2. Be a housesitter. ...
  3. Become an online tutor. ...
  4. Rent out your car. ...
  5. Start a freelance business. ...
  6. Pet sitting at your home. ...
  7. Monetize social media and streaming accounts. ...
  8. Sell web domain names.

How can I work freelance from home? ›

Becoming a freelancer in 7 easy steps
  1. 1) Define your service & offering. ...
  2. 2) Find your target audience. ...
  3. 3) Develop a pricing structure. ...
  4. 4) Create your portfolio with past jobs. ...
  5. 5) Write a great proposal. ...
  6. 6) Create a relationship with your client. ...
  7. 7) Continue developing your skills.

How long does it take to get paid on freelancer? ›

if you work directly with any client it fast. if you work on freelancing platforms then depends on the platform payment process. some take 3 days some 5 and some14 days.

Can you freelance while working full time? ›

In many cases, you can do freelance work while you're employed, and it can be a good way to see if freelancing is right for you. But, it's also important to check your employment contract, get the go-ahead from your boss, and make sure your freelancing doesn't affect your regular work.


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.